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TanteBea is in the kitchen
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TanteBea is in the kitchen
26 juillet 2012

My name is not Julia...But...

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I am not Julia Child!....But I'm French and as passionate as she was when it comes to sharing my favorite recipes with family and friends! I like  and enjoy cooking so much. I'm always thinking of food, markets and recipes. Fortunately my husband and sons have hefty appetites.

The Loire Valley is one of the best places to get daily vegetables & fruits, poultries veal and pork from around here, cheeses, wines.... we are so lucky, we have everything to be able to prepare lots of natural and fresh  meals.


 After the castles...BON APPETIT ! (prononced as Julia 's voice !)
Now in July I am preparing stuffed courgettes/zucchinis( courgettes farcies), chicken meat loaf/chicken pate( terrine de poulet en gelée)  ice cold vegetable soups, mushrooms .... and desserts with mixed fresh red fruits... Welcome home !
During the last cooking class they  prepared small rillette (local pork speciality) cakes for aperitifs, raw zucchini/courgette salad, steamed stuffed chicken, potato salad with real French salad dressing (vinaigrette)...with Dijon mustard of course...and Cremet de Touraine (goat cheese foam with whipped cream and fresh raspberries) a very typical dish from around here.  

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What they think about me and my classes, I'm so happy ... and... may be just a little bit proud ! .......


TanteBea is in the kitchen